Are Tungsten Rings Magnetic?

If you’re looking for a wedding band that is tough, durable, and affordable, you might have heard of tungsten rings. Tungsten rings are made of tungsten carbide, a metal alloy that is harder than most metals. But what about their magnetic properties? Are tungsten rings magnetic? And if so, is that a good or a bad thing?

The answer is not so simple. Tungsten rings are not magnetic by themselves, but they can become slightly magnetic depending on what other metals are mixed with them. Some tungsten rings are more magnetic than others, and this can affect how they react to magnets and other electrical devices.

Are Tungsten Rings Magnetic? No, Tungsten rings are generally not magnetic, but their magnetic properties can vary based on their specific composition.

Tungsten Rings and Magnetism

Pure tungsten itself has a slight attraction to magnetic fields, but it's so subtle that you won't see your ring sticking to the fridge anytime soon. However, most tungsten rings aren't just pure tungsten; they're usually made of  tungsten carbide mixed with other metals like nickel or cobalt. These additional elements can add a bit of magnetism to the ring. For example, cobalt is magnetic and can spice up the ring's magnetic properties a bit.

The way a tungsten ring is made can also affect its magnetism. If the ring-making process involves tools that touch magnetic materials, tiny particles might get stuck in the ring's surface, making it slightly magnetic. Similarly, during the sintering process, where the tungsten carbide is heated to fuse it together, the alignment of magnetic particles within the alloy can influence the overall magnetism of the final ring.

What's Magnetism All About?

At the core, magnetism is a result of how electrons behave in atoms. When these tiny electrons spin and move, they create a magnetic force. In some materials, when these electron spins align within certain areas known as domains, the material shows magnetic properties.

Types of Magnetism

There are different types of magnetism, depending on how the material reacts to an external magnetic field. There are three types of magnetism:

  • Diamagnetism is present in all materials to some extent and creates a weak opposing magnetic field when exposed to an external magnetic field.

  • Paramagnetism happens in materials with unpaired electrons. When exposed to a magnetic field, these substances get temporarily magnetized . But once the magnetic field is gone, so is their magnetism.

  • Ferromagnetism is the strong type of magnetism found in materials like iron or cobalt. They create a permanent magnetic field , even when the external magnetic field is removed.


fascinating physical phenomenon in which certain materials are repelled by a magnetic field. Unlike ferromagnetic materials, which are strongly attracted to magnets, diamagnetic substances exhibit a very weak, negative susceptibility to magnetic fields. This means that when exposed to a magnet, diamagnetic materials induce a magnetic field in opposition to the external field, leading to a repulsive effect. This property is universal and inherent in all materials to some degree, but it is particularly pronounced in materials like bismuth, graphite, and even water. 

The diamagnetic response is generally very weak compared to the attraction observed in ferromagnetic materials, so the repulsive force is only noticeable with strong magnets or very sensitive instruments. Diamagnetism plays a crucial role in various scientific and technological applications, including magnetic levitation, where objects can be made to float stably above a strong magnetic field, showcasing the intriguing interplay between materials and magnetic forces.


Form of magnetism that occurs in materials that are not strongly attracted to a magnetic field but show a positive response to it. Unlike diamagnetic materials, which are repelled by a magnetic field, paramagnetic substances are attracted to the field, albeit weakly. This attraction is due to the alignment of the electron spin in the atoms or molecules of the material, which aligns with the external magnetic field, enhancing the total magnetic field through the material. 

Paramagnetic properties are most noticeable in materials that have unpaired electrons, such as certain metals, including aluminum and platinum, as well as oxygen gas. The magnetic susceptibility of paramagnetic materials is positive, meaning they are magnetized in the direction of the magnetic field. Paramagnetism has important applications in various fields, including in MRI machines and in research to understand the magnetic properties of different materials.


Ferromagnetism is a strong form of magnetism that is the basis for all permanent magnets. It arises in materials such as iron, nickel, cobalt, and some of their alloys, characterized by the ability of these materials to retain significant magnetization in the absence of an external magnetic field. This phenomenon occurs due to the alignment of magnetic moments in the material, which results from the interaction of electrons within the atomic structure. Unlike paramagnetism and diamagnetism, where the effects are relatively weak and usually only detectable in the presence of an external magnetic field, ferromagnetism allows materials to become permanent magnets with strong, persistent magnetic fields. 

The alignment of magnetic moments in ferromagnetic materials can be influenced by temperature, with the magnetism significantly decreasing and eventually disappearing at the Curie temperature, where thermal agitation overcomes the magnetic forces aligning the moments. Ferromagnetism is fundamental to a wide range of applications, from simple compasses and magnetic storage media to electrical motors and generators, playing a crucial role in modern technology and industry.

Did you know?
Our planet, Earth, acts like a huge magnet . The source of its magnetic field is the electric current flowing within its liquid metal core.

Checking for Magnetism

Experts use various tests and tools to figure out how magnetic material is. A magnetometer measures the intensity and direction of a magnetic field near the material. For a deeper dive, techniques like Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and SQUID magnetometry are used to detect even the smallest magnetic signals.

Are Tungsten Rings Magnetic?

Tungsten rings typically exhibit minimal magnetic properties due to their inherent paramagnetic nature. However, the presence of alloying elements like nickel and cobalt in tungsten carbide rings can introduce varying degrees of magnetism. The specific magnetic response of a tungsten ring is thus a product of its unique composition and manufacturing process, making each ring's interaction with magnetic fields subtly distinct.